Boogie Bottoms Diaper Spray
Imagine your baby has pooped up his back, and you're cleaning him off, and now you're getting ready to put ointment on his butt. Imagine being in the car changing a dirty diaper that is extremely dirty, then having to use your hands to get the Vaseline or the butt paste or whatever you're using on your little ones behind and smearing it on there with your finger.
A lot of times, I’ll use the butt paste, and the paste will get under your nails. There's also the spatula that persons will use, but that still requires you to clean it off between uses. So, I would recommend getting this spray. It’s quick, it's easy, and it's not messy.
Medela Nipple Guards
The Mandela nipple guard is a product that I would make sure that I have on hand to have another baby. I initially used a nipple guard with my daughter because she wasn't latching the first time correctly. The nipple guards made it super super painless, easy to assist your baby with latching, and making nursing much more comfortable, although it can be a bit of awkward in the beginning.
Portable Changing Pad
This time around, I got a changing pad with a handle on it and has everything you need to change your baby inside. The material on the pad makes it very easy to wipe down and sanitize in between changes. Even if some poop gets up his back and gets on the changing pad, it is not hard to keep the changing pad clean, and with a baby, everything has to be clean, okay!
Diaper Pail
This is a product I absolutely love and would recommend a 10000 times over. I love it so much because it is very very stylish. When people see our diaper pail, they tend not to realize it's a diaper pail. It masks the odor of pampers very well, and let me tell you, this baby poop started all cute and seedy and yellow and mustardy, and now this boy's eating real food.
He’s eating avocados; he’s eating fruits and vegetables, and his poop is stinking LOL. I did use the diaper genie before, but I was not a huge fan. I felt like it filled up a little too quickly for me, and then I also felt like the refill inserts with diaper genie were very expensive. This diaper pail, I think, is pretty affordable, and so are the refills.
Pack ‘n Play
I absolutely love the pack and play by Greco. I had one of these with my daughter as well, and I don't think I got as much use out of it with my daughter as I do with my son. The pack and play is a great great great thing to have to especially when you need your hands.
We started using ours as kind of like a place to lay our son once he started getting comfortable on his tummy, we wanted him to have as much tummy time as possible, but we were afraid of him rolling off the bed. It helps out a lot to have a nice safe place for your baby to be; he has a mattress in his pack and play that is very similar to ours. It is like a foam Tempurpedic type of mattress, and he loves it so much!
Car Seat Cover
This is so helpful, and I initially did not think to put this on my registry, but it's something that my mom told me about; she bought this for my son, so it's basically an insulated car seat cover. Before I got this car seat cover, I would dress him up so heavy, then put him inside his car seat, and then by the time we get into the car, which is already warm, he would get so mad because he's hot.
He would be screaming and crying because he's uncomfortable, and it's just as painful for every person involved, okay. My mom suggested that we do a car seat cover for him. She bought him one right before Christmas, and it has been the best thing ever, he doesn't get super-hot anymore, and we still use it even to this day.
Honest Diapers
I would definitely recommend honest pampers for newborns. Honest diapers are made of plat based materials which are sustainably harvested, Totally Chlorine Free fluff pulp and it also has a quick absorb channel to keep leaks under wraps for dryness.
What I do have a problem with when it comes to diapers is diaper leaks. I don't like that every single time I used the brand Pampers, they leaked. I have tried other brands such as Huggies and Hello Bello they leaked as well. Honest is a green company, and they're not that expensive.
Diaper Caddy
I cannot live without my diaper caddy; I absolutely love it. If you have a baby, you know that babies can easily take over your entire room with their gadgets, equipment, and supplies. They can easily take over your entire space, so this is a nice compact way to organize everything you need for your baby in your room. It's like having a mini nursery, and I appreciate it, especially in the middle of the night. I don't have to go all the way to the other room to get extra supplies.
Aloe Vera Gel
Another great product that I love is regular simple plain aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has so many amazing healing benefits, but it's something that my family has been using forever. So naturally, when my baby had baby acne and diaper rashes, I went and looked to the aloe vera plant to help me out, and helped out it did! He’s recently gotten a little bit of a cradle cap. I've put a little bit of aloe vera on it, and it has helped out tremendously. It also helps to soften and condition his hair and his little skin.
Baby Carrier
There are a lot of different baby carriers on the market, but we love this baby carrier. I can strap my son to me, and I can do my cooking, cleaning, and just moving around the house and getting things done. My husband enjoys putting my son to sleep with the baby carrier like their thing. It also comes in handy when you're out, especially now, like trying to maneuver with COVID and keeping your hands free and clean.
Also, If I have to do a lot of walking and can't necessarily bring my stroller, I’ll strap him to me, and usually, he's knocked out by the time I leave wherever it is I’m going, so it's like a 2 in 1. It's like a pacifier and a hands-free help system.
I love love my Haakkaa Breast Pumps. I Love the fact that is so lightweight and portable. I do not have to worry about contending with any cords, worrying about finding plugs or that the batteries are running out. It is perfect to just pack in your diaper bag. If we are going on trips or if we are on the road or anywhere and I want to pump silently, discreetly and quickly I just pull for my Haakaa breast pump. They are also made with super soft silicone that is really gentle and so comfortable on your skin.
The swaddle is genius. I know that it’s been around for a long time, but having a one-piece system that helps you gather the swaddle wrap benefits in just one zip is so helpful. We have about three different models that we use anytime that he's going to sleep. It makes them feel all cozy, hugged, and loved, he absolutely loves it! He sleeps through the night when he has a swaddle; when he doesn't have a swaddle, not so much! So we have to have more than one because if one is dirty, we can just pull for a clean one.
Mamaroo Swing
I love this swing. It was the first thing that I thought to put on my registry. I saw that it had so many great features, especially in the different swing modes, which mimics the womb a little bit, and our son loves his swing!! He still loves it even to this day which, thank God, is very helpful because this is another place that I can put him when I need my hands, and he will just lay and relax in his swing.
You can connect it to your phone and play your own music or audiobooks or whatever through the speakers. It is simply amazing, and it also does help that it is aesthetically pleasing!
Skip Hop Activity Center
Originally this was not on my registry, my mother-in-law gifted this to us. It has so much for the baby to do he can stand up; he can turn himself around, and it has like five or six different stations for him to entertain himself. The bottom part raises and lowers so as he gets older, it can lower for him to have more room with his feet, and then once he gets older, this entire contraption turns into a table and as matching chairs, which is so awesome because this thing can grow with him, so that's very very exciting. He loves this seat right now; he loves to sit in there and play in it. He likes to entertain himself in it, and he likes to believe it or not likes to poop in it.
Foam Mattress
I mentioned earlier that I love the mattress that we got for his pack and play! The mattress that comes with the pack and play is literally like the size of a piece of bread; as far as the thickness, it offers zero comfort at all to your baby. Babies like comfort just as much as we do so they don't want a hard mattress. My son would not sleep in the pack and play until we got him a feasible mattress for it. Now we don't have a problem. He sleeps in there very comfortably!
Bobby Pillow (Lounger)
Bobby makes, I think, two different types of pillows: the newborn lounger, which I love so much ! and the other one is the nursing pillow. I did not have the newborn lounger with my daughter, and I do remember wishing that there was something that I could lay her on without having to worry about her rolling or sliding over onto her face where she couldn't even lift her head.
So, for newborns, the lounger is very very helpful because you need places to lay them where they can't just fall on the floor or fall over. We would put it on the bed and lay him on it so he can nap on it. We can sit on the floor and put him on the lounge on the floor. Like it was just very helpful and very convenient for us. I will be honest with the nursing pillow; I have not used my nursing pillow that much this time around.
When I had my daughter, my nursing pillow was my holy grail. I use that thing day and night, but surprisingly with my son, I really don’t use it when I nurse him. I definitely would recommend getting the boppy lounger if you are going to get one of the two products.
Jolly Jumper
I love this thing so much and my son loves it too! Now I wouldn't necessarily call this a newborn product, but it is a baby product that I would repeatedly buy because my son loves it so much. At around four months old, we started putting my son in his bouncer, and this bouncer just basically connects over the door it holds on to your door frame, it supports the weight of the baby, and the baby can kind of bounce up using a spring. He likes to use his legs; he likes to bounce all over the place. When he gets really excited, he bounces really fast, but a lot of times, his sister will be behind him or in front of him dancing and making faces at him, and he just eats that up so this is something that I would always recommend.
Whitenoise Machine or Speaker for Water Sounds
This is not necessarily a product that I had, but it is something that I noticed works really well with my son. I don't know if it has anything to do with him being li inside of my body and hearing like my body’s sounds, the water, the blood, and stuff moving around in there. I noticed from a very early age that my newborn son loved the sound of water and nature sounds, so instead of a white noise machine, we have Alexa speakers, so we'll play rain sounds. It works like a charm no matter where we are, no matter how he feels when we put on the rain sound, he knows that it's my time to sleep.
If you found any of our suggestions helpful or if you are familiar with any of the recommended products, share your thoughts in the comment below. Also, if you have anything on your list of baby must have that I did not list. Please share; let’s build a community of mommies where we can share tips and advice because let me tell you as a mom it does take a village!
Also, please check out my Youtube channel @alannafoxx https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqLQntNxiX-eCU2Xy9CjzMw for videos on Motherhood, Lifestyle and Beauty videos.
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